Share your story at PegaWorld

Call for presentations | Submission deadline: Friday, October 11, 2024 at 5:00 PM EDT

Let’s. Get. Inspired! Stories teach us new ways of thinking, expand our imaginations, and explore the vast realm of possibility. That’s what we want. We want to hear how you’ve innovated, optimized, and catapulted your business to the next level. We’re looking for submissions to be selected for PegaWorld on June 1–3, 2025. Fill out the below form for consideration.

Please use this worksheet to help prepare your answers prior to submitting.

*All fields with an asterisk are required.

Session Details
*Who will be the lead speaker for this session?
*Tell us what type of Pega-led session you are proposing:
*Provide details on your Pega-led session:
*Is Pega Blueprint featured in this session?
*Does your story involve the use of Pega AI?
*If so, please describe how Pega AI is integrated into your story, highlighting its role and impact on the overall narrative.
500-character limit
*Which statement best describes the main message of your story? Specifically, we are looking for stories about:
* Message Other – Please explain.
*Session title: Be succinct, catchy, and descriptive. Convey what your session is about. Be sure to include your company name in the title.
Example Client Title: Maximizing ROI: [Your Company] Unveils Data-Driven Strategies for Future Growth

100 character limit
*Is this a legacy modernization and transformation story? If yes, please incorporate the details into the abstract.
*Session abstract: Briefly describe your story. A good rule: Opening sentence should draw people in to read more. Next two sentences should be descriptive about the product or project. Last sentence should be fun and catchy!
Example Abstract: Discover how [Client Name] revolutionized their business using Pega software. By streamlining operations and enhancing customer engagement, they've drastically reduced wait times and improved service delivery. Join us to learn how these changes increased their ROI and created a more satisfying experience for their customers.

500 character limit
*What is the standout moment or key highlight of your story that will capture the audience's attention?
500 character limit
*Please select the primary product you’ll refer to in your presentation:
Please select any additional product(s) you’ll refer to in your presentation:
Pega Customer Service Pega Intelligent Automation: Case management
Pega Intelligent Automation: Low-code Application Development Pega Intelligent Automation: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Pega Intelligent Automation: Process and Task Mining Pega Customer Decision Hub
Pega Intelligent Automation: Process optimization (AI) Pega Sales Automation
Pega Intelligent Automation: Process orchestration (Process Fabric) Pega Cloud
*Please select the primary industry with which your story and use case most closely align (select one):
* Industry - Other
If your industry wasn’t listed above, please provide it below.
Please select any additional industries that align with your story:
Airlines and Travel Hospitality and Entertainment
Automotive Insurance
Communications Service Providers Internet, Web Services, and Social Media
Consumer Goods Life Sciences
Cross-industry Manufacturing
Education Media and Advertising
Financial Services Retail
Government Technology Services
Healthcare Transportation, Freight
High Technology Logistics Utilities
*How long did it take to deploy this project (or phase) of the project?
200 character limit
*Was your project deployed on Pega Cloud?
*Is the proposed session a panel (combined session with other speakers) or would it make a good panel?
*Was a partner involved in this project?
*If “yes,” which partner? Please provide details on the partner and how they defined the solution and delivered the outcome.
500-character limit
*What were the final business outcomes of this project (ROI, impact to business, KPI results)?

Submitter Details
Please provide your contact information so we can notify you once decisions have been finalized.
*Submitter First Name
*Submitter Last Name
*Submitter Email Address
*Submitter Title
*Submitter Company
Submitter LinkedIn URL
In which country is your organization based?
*Are you the primary speaker for this proposal?
*Has the speaker/customer approved this submission?

Primary Speaker Details
Primary speaker details are required if the submitter is not the primary speaker. Sessions submitted without any speaker details will not be prioritized in the selection process.
*Speaker First Name
*Speaker Last Name
*Speaker Email
*Speaker Title
*Speaker Company
Speaker LinkedIn
*Add an additional speaker?

Add up to 1 additional speaker

Additional Speaker (2) First Name

Additional Speaker (2) Last Name
Additional Speaker (2) Email
Additional Speaker (2) Title
Additional Speaker (2) Company
Additional Speaker (2) LinkedIn
*Add an additional speaker(s) or moderator?
Additional speakers and moderators only available for Panel sessions led by Pega Employees
Additional Speaker (3) First Name
Additional Speaker (3) Last Name
Additional Speaker (3) Email
Additional Speaker (3) Title
Additional Speaker (3) Company
Additional Speaker (3) LinkedIn

Add up to 1 moderator for Panel Sessions only

Moderator First Name

Moderator Last Name
Moderator Email
Moderator Title
Moderator Company
Help make our decision easier! Upload your submission with a short video clip or video URL showing your speaker presenting at a previous engagement.
Note: Depending on file size, initial upload may take several seconds. Do not click submit until upload is complete and your file name displays.
To upload
  1. Click Upload
  2. Click Choose File & navigate to file you'd like to upload
  3. Click Upload this file
  4. File uploader widget will spin during upload - this could take several seconds depending on file size and upload speed
  5. When upload is complete, the file name will display under upload prompt - at this point you can agree to terms and click Submit
Sample video URL:
Upload sample video clip:
*Acknowledgement: I understand that the submission of this form is not a guarantee of presentation acceptance. By submitting this form, I understand that, if this story is selected, I agree to publish speaker names, abstracts, company names, and company logo to Pega’s website. I understand that the presentations will be recorded, and videos will be posted to the PegaWorld website following the event. If I am submitting this proposal on behalf of a client speaker, the speaker has approved this submission.